Expertise Re Srl

Income-producing properties, guaranteed investment


Articolo su Quotidiano di Sicilia 05/05/2021

Corporate communication CATANIA –

Purchasing a property with the aim of renting it out for commercial and/or industrial activities represents a very convenient investment solution for entrepreneurs, freelancers, businesses but also for all those who want to channel their capital into a product that allows safe and long-lasting earnings over time. In particular, the category of income properties, i.e. premises that are purchased already rented, is particularly advantageous, both from the point of view of profitability and to protect the value of one's capital, representing a valid alternative to classic forms of savings such as, for example, government bonds and bonds.

The first advantage is certainly represented by the fact that these are properties that are already leased to primary operators, such as national companies that deal with the management and distribution of electricity or, again, telecommunications companies. A specific category is represented by properties intended for telephone exchanges, consisting of entire sky-earth buildings and composed of offices, rooms for technological equipment and warehouses. They are leased to primary multinational companies that deal with the management of telecommunications, guaranteeing services of essential importance in the area, as they allow the correct functioning of the network and the functions connected to it, with a strategic function for public, commercial and private use. This guarantees the investor a minimal risk of insolvency on the part of the tenant and long-lasting profitability as these are rental contracts which, as a rule, have a long duration.

This is the case of the entire building located in via Cifali in Catania, whose sales process is managed by the Expertise Re real estate agency, a sector operator specifically specialized in the field of income properties. More in detail, it is an entire sky-earth building with five floors, one of which is underground and whose total surface area is 4,166 m2, with an adjoining external area of 1,558 m2.

One of the primary strengths of this type of investment is certainly the profitability, which is between 6 and 7% gross per year compared to the initially invested capital. This allows the owner to have a stable and repeated source of income over time, as the buyer of the building will take over an already existing rental contract, the first expiry of which is set in 2030 and the second in 2036, and without the possibility of early termination by the tenant.

Furthermore, the owner will be able to take advantage of particularly low IMU property taxation since, as in the case of the building in via Cifali, these are premises that belong to the specific cadastral category of properties for technological use, effectively reducing a fixed expense for the buyer who, as a rule, has a significant impact on the annual return. The same is also valid for extraordinary and ordinary maintenance costs which, unlike the canonical rental contracts, are borne by the tenant and not by the owner, allowing the latter to keep the annual income fixed and not susceptible to any losses due to the management of expenses connected to the care of the property itself such as, for example, malfunctions of the systems or, again, renovation interventions connected to the structure of the property.

The building in via Cifali enjoys a central position in the city of Catania, as it is located near the roads to reach the ring road, an important hub for access to the motorways. The area in which it is located is residential-commercial and there are public utility buildings near the property.

The price/m2 ratio for this type of property is decidedly advantageous, with average real estate values from €1,100 to €1,550 per m2 and, furthermore, it is a subsidized purchase as the investor who is in possession of a partial capital compared of the total purchase price, you can still access a bank loan covered by 75% of the rental instalment. Finally, a further strong point of this investment is represented by the fact that there is a particularly subsidized cost for the transfer of ownership as the seller of the property in question is an investment fund. To view the announcement relating to the building in via Cifali, click HERE. At the following link you can view all the income properties we offer in Sicily and Calabria:

Expertise Re, having successfully concluded the sale of over forty properties intended for telephone exchanges, is a reference operator for the sale of income properties.

To learn more about the topic we suggest the following links:

New cadastral category for communication infrastructures

Interest is growing in an alternative Asset Class, that of telephone exchanges and income-generating properties.

Entire building sold in the center of Catania

Telecommunications company buys back properties from investment fund

Click here to view all our income properties

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