Expertise Re Srl

Real estate marketing

EXPERTISE RE has an important know-how in the development of structured and targeted marketing plans, to be disseminated on digital channels and traditional channels in order to reach as many potential buyers/usersi.

Who do we address?

Our marketing campaigns are coordinated with the Partners for the properties entrusted both for sale and for leasing or even for those subject to executive procedures.

The marketing plan is mainly oriented towards those who will use the property as owner or tenant. The marketing strategy will have different facets depending on the types of real estate and the needs of the possible interlocutorsi.

What is our goal

Our main objective is to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand by intercepting potential buyers/users in a targeted way.

How we develop our marketing plans

  • We analyze the specific properties of the property, paying particular attention to its strengths;
  • We study the characteristics of the reference market, the environment and the context in which it is inserted;
  • We identify the reference target to which to propose the property;
  • We create quality and specific content for each type of communication channel;
  • Digital channels and traditional channels.

Canali digitali e canali tradizionali

Digital marketing

  • adwords campaigns
  • social campaigns
  • real estate portals
  • specialized and non-specialized newspaper site
  • email marketing
  • scouting
  • brand design
  • virtual tour
  • newsletters

Traditional marketing

  • billboards
  • advertising posters
  • space in newspapers and magazines
  • dedicated brochures
  • interior planimetric elaborations
  • leafleting
  • open-day
Type - Multichoice
Choose where to look

Total Square Meters

Other options - Multichoice